Special Interest Group (SIG)

The Value Based SIG was formed to discover ways to standardize optimal care to children with epilepsy through our tertiary epilepsy centers. We are seeking to understand what is the most efficient and cost effective use of financial resources to support children and their families with epilepsy.  Once that is clear, we also seek to disseminate that information nationally.

Value Based SIG Leader: Matthew Sweney, M.D., University of Utah

To see what times our Special Interest Group meets, please click here.

Member meetings

To join a Special Interest Group (SIG), please contact PERC’s Executive Director, Jane McCabe, at In order to join PERC, your institution must be a member, which currently involves the signing of a Memo of Understanding and a commitment from each member institution to actively participate in one or more SIGs. PERC’s Special Interest Groups typically meet via Zoom on a regular basis, in addition to meeting in person at national epilepsy conferences.