Epilepsy Behavioral Health
The Epilepsy Behavioral Health Special Interest Group (SIG) focuses on psychosocial and behavioral health factors that impact youth with epilepsy.
Our group meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 12:00 pm EST
Sig leader
Hillary Kimbley, PhD
Children’s Health, UT Southwestern
Dr. Hillary Kimbley is a board certified pediatric psychologist at Children’s Health and Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at UT Southwestern. Dr. Kimbley received her doctorate degree from Texas A&M University. In her current position, she specializes in providing psychological services to youth with epilepsy within the Children’s Health Comprehensive Epilepsy Center outpatient and inpatient services. She specifically conducts clinical assessments and provides evidence-based intervention services to address a variety of behavioral health needs, including comorbid mental health disorders, coping and adjustment to illness, adherence concerns, seizure self-management and functional neurological symptoms. Further, she assists with the development and implementation of supportive services. Dr. Kimbley is also involved in training and teaching activities, including supervision of psychology graduate students, and professional presentations or media appearances on epilepsy and pediatric/child clinical topics. She additionally serves on various professional psychology and epilepsy committees and workgroups at the regional, state, and national levels.