Epilepsy Surgery Neuromodulation Special Interest Group (SIG)

The Epilepsy Surgery Neuromodulation SIG brings together a collaborative group of epileptologists, neurosurgeons, and biomedical engineers to study the growing field of neuromodulation in the treatment of pediatric epilepsy. Our overarching goal is to identify the best candidates, best parameters for therapy, and biomarkers for what specific clinical situations neuromodulation is most likely to be successful in.

Neuromodulation SIG leader- Charuta Joshi, M.D., University of Texas Southwestern Hospital

To see what times our Special Interest Group meets, please click here.

Member meetings

To join a Special Interest Group (SIG), please contact PERC’s Executive Director, Jane McCabe, at jane@perc-epilepsy.org. In order to join PERC, your institution must be a member, which currently involves the signing of a Memo of Understanding and a commitment from each member institution to actively participate in one or more SIGs. PERC’s Special Interest Groups typically meet via Zoom on a regular basis, in addition to meeting in person at national epilepsy conferences.