Epilepsy with Myoclonic atonic Seizures (EMAtS)


We aim to further elucidate the natural history of EMAtS, investigate the current diagnostic and therapeutic milieu, and move toward discovering, evaluating, and implementing the optimal treatments for this disease. This involves developing a comprehensive prospective registry to eventually identify biomarkers for treatment outcomes and also to establish best practices in the care of this epilepsy as well as develop and implement comparative trials of appropriate therapies.

Our group meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 5:15 pm EST

Sig leader

Michael Ciliberto, MD

University of Iowa

  • Mike Ciliberto is the director of the pediatric EMU and the comprehensive tuberous sclerosis clinic at the University of Iowa Stead Family Children's Hospital in Iowa City, Iowa. He received his medical degree and attended pediatric neurology residency and a 2-year clinical neurophysiology fellowship at Washington University and St. Louis Children’s Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri. His clinical and research interests include the use of epilepsy surgery for the treatment of drug resistant childhood epilepsy, especially palliative epilepsy surgeries, as well as the evaluation and initiation of novel pharmaceutical therapies for patients with drug resistant epilepsy.

    He is currently the lead in the epilepsy with myoclonic atonic seizures (EMAtS) PERC special interest group (SIG) and is actively involved in the infantile spasms and surgical SIGs as well. He also is involved in multicenter projects involving the ketogenic diet and tuberous sclerosis complex and enjoys giving talks around the country on many aspects of epilepsy.

    Mike also has the pleasure of being co-founder and director of the tuberous sclerosis complex clinic at the University of Iowa and director of the pediatric EMU where he has the opportunity to mentor medical students, residents and fellows in all aspects of the care of individuals with epilepsy. He also has the pleasure of moderating and curating an epilepsy literature list serv based out of the University of Iowa for fellow neurologists around the country.